We're in the mist of a decade-long bull run, one of the most impressive stock market rises in history. When times are booming, doomsday predictions tend to dominate the headlines. "Markets hit all-time-high, sign of an oncoming collapse?" "A recession is overdue, we're getting closer." Yes, as time passes we get closer to the next recession. It's very easy to say we're closing in on something because that's how time works. The difficult part is knowing exactly when it'll happen. People are terrible at predicting recessions. Paul Samuelson (Nobel prize winning economist), in 1966 joked that declines in U.S. stock prices had correctly predicted 9 of the last 5 American recessions, and his profession would kill for such accuracy. A study by the IMF found from 1992-2014, of 153 national recessions, only 5 were predicted by a consensus of private-sector economists in April of the previous year. That's ~3% success rate. At the...